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Donald Trump’s alternate reality where facts are - OPTIONAL

But it’s not just Trump—look at JD Vance, his loyal sidekick.

In a surreal twist that could only exist in the Trumpian universe of deception, a coffee shop manager spins wild tales of bustling customers, while cobwebs cling to the windows, staff stand idle, and the only thing pouring is dust, not coffee. Early morning sun glints off the abandoned floor, but for this manager, the truth is nowhere to be found.

His team threw an epic tantrum when moderators dared to, you know, **correct his lies in real-time**

But it’s not just Trump—look at JD Vance, his loyal sidekick.

Buckle up, folks. We’re entering Donald Trump’s alternate reality where **facts are OPTIONAL** and lies? Oh, they’re on tap, served 24/7, like an all-you-can-eat buffet of deception. Thirty THOUSAND lies in ONE term, according to The Washington Post—an astounding 30,573 to be exact. Let’s imagine this in *real life*—you run a coffee chain, and your GM tells you that business is BOOMING while, in reality, it’s tanking. How long would they last? One hour? One minute?

But in Trump’s world? Three YEARS—and counting.

Now let’s talk **fact-checks**—the kryptonite to Trump’s myth-making machine. For most of us, truth is non-negotiable. But for Trump and his band of merry liars? It’s all just part of the “war on facts.” He’s been fighting to make sure networks abandon real-time fact-checking because, why let the truth ruin a perfectly good fantasy?

Picture this: He almost backed out of an interview with Black journalists simply because they planned to **fact-check him live**. (Cue dramatic pause…) Yep, that’s all it took to send Trump into a tailspin. But wait, it gets better—he **refused** an interview with *60 Minutes* because of their commitment to fact-checking. You can’t make this up.

And during debates? His team threw an epic tantrum when moderators dared to, you know, **correct his lies in real-time**. From imaginary migrant gangs feasting on neighborhood pets to “Democrats executing babies”—these fabrications are too insane to ignore. Yet, Trump & Co. complain they’re being treated unfairly. “No fact-checking!” they scream, like kids caught with cookie crumbs on their faces, demanding you ignore the crumbs.

In any *sane* universe, someone with Trump’s track record of pathological dishonesty wouldn’t last in politics, or *any job*. But in 2024, the more lies he spews, the more his supporters dig in. We’re living in a time when *truth* is now tribal. Trump’s devotees don’t just ignore the fact-checks; they openly reject the very concept of them. It’s as if truth is a *luxury* they just can’t afford.

But it’s not just Trump—look at JD Vance, his loyal sidekick. During a debate, he was corrected for LYING about immigrants in Ohio. His response? He threw a hissy fit because *fact-checking* wasn’t part of the agreement! These aren’t just politicians; they’re performance artists in a theater of the absurd.
Fact: Trump’s lies are so **cartoonish** that even *Saturday Night Live* had to poke fun, with a parody where Vance blurts out lies while screaming, “NO FACT-CHECKING!”


So here we are—2024—and Trump’s still at war with reality, turning every interaction into a battle between his fantasy and cold, hard truth.

It’s not just political—it’s pathological. In the end, if facts don’t matter, what’s left?
Just a world where the loudest liar wins.

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