Wednesday, February 12, 2025


The Federal Government Funds Aged Care and it regulates Aged Care

The report warned of problems in keeping staff, recruiting agency nurses and sending residents to hospital during the nation’s first major aged care home COVID-19 outbreak. But the report was kept confidential after it...

Australia’s Ruby Princess Cruise Ship Nightmare

Scott Morrison’s coronavirus mea culpa was barely disguised score-settling with Daniel Andrews

COVID-19 data centre

Australia's COVID-19 Data centre by Sydney Morning Herald  

Morrison’s 3-Step Framework for a COVIDSafe Australia

Australians are about to discover that a national framework does not end the confusion over what is allowed when social restrictions are eased. Scott Morrison has outlined a three-step plan to relax the curbs but...

Coronavirus: country comparisons are pointless unless we account for these biases in testing

    Coronavirus: country comparisons are pointless unless we account for these biases in testing New cases daily for COVID-19 in world and top countries. Chris55 /wikipedia, CC BY-SA Norman Fenton, Queen Mary University of London; Magda Osman,...

Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership

Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership Imagine, if you can, what it’s like to make decisions on which the lives of tens of thousands of other people...

Australia COVID-19 Coronavirus Live Data Maps

Explore Infographic of every Australian State. Sate based maps showing infections by Region and area Click on the link below or go here            

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