Picture a giant machine labeled "Ergon Energy" with various gears and levers marked "Service Fees," "Untaxed Profits," and "Monopoly Power." The machine is churning out electricity bills into a basket labeled "Australian Households," where...
Under the thick fog of the 9/11 attacks, John Howard — ordinarily not given to vaulting, Churchillian oratory — delivered a thundering address to the Australian Defence Association (ADA) in late October 2001 on his decision...
A humble footnote on page 30 of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility’s 2016-17 annual report reads: “PwC supported NAIF in the development of its Risk Management Framework.” NAIF was in the news in late...
The Australian affiliate of PricewaterhouseCoopers is subject to a police investigation in a crisis that could have global implications
PwC used its global network to profit from privileged information, drawing in other parts of one...
Nearly one week after the police were called, the government cannot directly say if it can stop doing business with a firm whose ex-CEO allegedly leaked Australian tax secrets.
It’s eight years since Peter-John Collins,...
“The key lesson from WA Inc was that the shonks, crooks, spivs and conmen only really thrive with the assistance of the professional classes – the accountants, lawyers, valuers, journalists et al.
“It took at least...
Bernard Keane reports in CrikeyFor generations, jobs for mates — or what used to be labelled jobs for the boys — were treated as an unfortunate but inevitable tendency by political parties to look...