A mooted succession plan in Bronwyn Bishop’s Sydney seat has been denounced by local Liberal party members as “North Korean nepotismâ€.
Damien Jones, a former chief of staff to Bishop and a key figure in the “choppergate†scandal, has long been understood to have ambitions to succeed the MP for the northern beaches electorate of Mackellar.

The New South Wales Liberal party on Tuesday opened nominations for 22 Liberal-held federal seats, including Mackellar, which Bishop has represented since 1994. It comes amid anger within Liberal party ranks over factional manoeuvring across NSW, with the moderates said to be on the march against conservative MPs and senators.

Ruddock, who entered parliament in 1973 and served as immigration minister in the Howard government, is also under pressure to retire. Sources said a former executive director of the Menzies ÂResearch Centre, Julian Leeser, was likely to win preselection for Ruddock’s seat of Berowra in the event of a challenge.
Ruddock, who entered parliament in 1973 and served as immigration minister in the Howard government, is also under pressure to retire. Sources said a former executive director of the Menzies ÂResearch Centre, Julian Leeser, was likely to win preselection for Ruddock’s seat of Berowra in the event of a challenge.
Over the next week or so we will be exploring and documenting the monumental waste of our Senator’s and MP’s. Each of our stars will have their own very unique spreadsheet and individual chart.
Why? Currently even though this information is actually on the government website it is so obtuse it may as well be useless. Until now!

The preferred Nationals Leader (at least that what he thinks) has decided that Business class and 1st Class Air travel is simply for the masses.
Barnaby decided that Air Charter is the only way to flit around the country $136,940 from January to June 2015 is not a bad spend in anyone’s book. Then to round out that spend leading National MP Barnaby Joyce found a way to spend $670,897 fitting out his humble office digs in main st Tamworth.
We wait to see if Prime Minister Turnbull will act.
I’m not holding any strong hopes.